Investing in Latin America through the development of real estate projects Investing in Latin America through the development of real estate projects


Investing in Latin America through the development of real estate projects

A great opportunity

Having spent almost 15 years in the international financial sector, representing banks such as Merrill Lynch International Switzerland and BNP Paribas (Switzerland), I must admit that it was exciting to share with many entrepreneurs from multiple sectors their experiences of success, as well as their difficulties and risks in each of their countries.

The experience gained in several financial and economic crises, especially the most serious one during the global financial crisis of 2008, which was largely caused by the real estate sector, also provided us with great investment opportunities.

The real estate sector was always part of a natural transition for me as an essential axis in the development of a country, its cities, its areas, which at the same time is the bearer of great sources of work and therefore an attractive and interesting business for investors. For this reason, in 2011, I decided to dedicate myself definitively to real estate, especially in Peru and Latin America.

Thus, international investment funds such as "Multi Family Offices" and local ones decided to accompany me with financing in this new adventure, which allowed me, in 2013, as a great opportunity, to found the Bengala Inmobiliaria group, which I am CEO.

In 2015, the company grows and takes the next step through the acquisition of a great technical team (architects, engineers and specialists). This is where the great adventure and consolidation of Bengala begins. This attracted an important foreign investment that contributed to the development of prime projects, based on quality before quantity.

Today, in 2023, Bengala Inmobiliaria has executed and has multiple projects in the cities of Lima, Ancash, Ica and Arequipa. Focused mainly in the real estate sector, generating hundreds of jobs in the country. Focused on corporate responsibility in the real estate sector where the "evolution in new materials" and energy transition are essential axes in each of our developments.

My personal ambition is to continue developing projects that satisfy the demands of our clients and those of the environment, based on saving and caring for energy consumption, water, the use of friendly materials, among others. Because I feel that, as a real estate developer, it is my responsibility to.