The role of social housing in reducing inequality in Peru The role of social housing in reducing inequality in Peru


The role of social housing in reducing inequality in Peru

Economic inequality remains a persistent challenge in Peru, and one of the key sectors addressing this issue is social housing. Social housing programs play a crucial role in reducing the gap of inequality in the country.

In Peru, as in many other places, economic inequality is clearly evident in access to housing. Low-income individuals often find themselves living in precarious conditions, while those with greater resources can access higher-quality housing. Social housing programs aim to change this dynamic.

These programs, driven by both the government and non-governmental organizations, offer affordable and quality housing to low-income families. By providing dignified housing, the quality of life for these families is significantly improved, and inequality in access to adequate housing is reduced.

Furthermore, the construction of social housing creates jobs and stimulates the local economy, further contributing to the reduction of inequality. These programs also include services such as education and healthcare, addressing disparities in access to basic services.

In summary, social housing programs play a fundamental role in reducing economic inequality in Peru. By providing affordable housing and basic services to low-income families, these programs enhance living conditions and offer opportunities for a more equitable future in the country.